• BRANCH 36 (New York, NY): Letter Carrier Hero

    The following os from Branch 39 newsletter:

    "The morning commute on April 11th started out like every other for veteran letter carrier John Zabatta from Times Square Station. Not even he knew that his selfless act on that day would possibly save a life.

    It was approximately 4:25 a.m., and he waited for his 4:32 train from Wantagh, he noticed a young adult on the platform standing close by him who didn't look so well. He didn't make much of it. He looked on the tracks to check if his train was approaching. As he did so, he heard a loud thump. When he looked back he didn't see the young man who was there before. To his dismay, he looked down and saw the young man face down on the tracks. Knowing the train would be arriving at any moment, reached out to another passenger on the platform for help and selflessly jumped into harms way and carried the injured man off the track back to safety on the platform. Seconds later, his train arrived and he continued on his way to work.

    When asked about this heroics he said, "It's no big deal. I just did what I had to do. What did make me feel good was when my kids were on the same platform with me and asked, Is this where you saved the man daddy? That made me feel good."

    So here's to you letter carrier John Zabatta from Times Square. Your incredible courage has earned you the Branch 36 Hero Award."

    May 31, 2009


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